ご覧頂けましてありがとうございます。 Thank you for visiting this page! No Good Alternative: Volume Two of Carbon Ideologies William T. Vollmann The second volume of William T. Vollmanns epic book about the factors and human actions that have led to global warming begins in the coal fields of West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky, where "Americas best friend" is not merely a fuel, but a "heritage." Over the course of four years Vollmann finds hollowed out towns with coal-polluted streams and acidified drinking water; makes covert visits to mountaintop removal mines; and offers documented accounts of unpaid fines for federal health and safety violations and of miners who died because their bosses cut corners to make more money. 8,130 JPY on amazon (9/1/2024) This book is used and may have some creased pages and markings. この商品は中古品です。ページに折れやマーキングがある場合がございます。ご理解の上、ご検討ください。
ご覧頂けましてありがとうございます。 Thank you for visiting this page! No Good Alternative: Volume Two of Carbon Ideologies William T. Vollmann The second volume of William T. Vollmanns epic book about the factors and human actions that have led to global warming begins in the coal fields of West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky, where "Americas best friend" is not merely a fuel, but a "heritage." Over the course of four years Vollmann finds hollowed out towns with coal-polluted streams and acidified drinking water; makes covert visits to mountaintop removal mines; and offers documented accounts of unpaid fines for federal health and safety violations and of miners who died because their bosses cut corners to make more money. 8,130 JPY on amazon (9/1/2024) This book is used and may have some creased pages and markings. この商品は中古品です。ページに折れやマーキングがある場合がございます。ご理解の上、ご検討ください。
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