For overseas buyers, feel free to purchase any of the items sold at this account but please make sure to use an import agent or transfer service. I cannot ship internationally due to the mercari terms and conditions. You can ask me a question in English during the entire transaction. This item is in brand new condition and factory sealed. 代行業者歓迎!(I accept any purchases made by an import agent.) こちらは2020年に開催されたsaitom氏の個展「Castle On The Hill」にて販売された極厚アクリルブロックです。 未開封のまま保存しておりました。値下げ交渉歓迎・即購入OKです。 定価:各9800円
For overseas buyers, feel free to purchase any of the items sold at this account but please make sure to use an import agent or transfer service. I cannot ship internationally due to the mercari terms and conditions. You can ask me a question in English during the entire transaction. This item is in brand new condition and factory sealed. 代行業者歓迎!(I accept any purchases made by an import agent.) こちらは2020年に開催されたsaitom氏の個展「Castle On The Hill」にて販売された極厚アクリルブロックです。 未開封のまま保存しておりました。値下げ交渉歓迎・即購入OKです。 定価:各9800円
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